when i was a kid in the cult i was terrified of demunz,
when i got to the stage of facing the fact that i simply did not believe in god--it all fell into place. No god--therefore no angels..no devil--no demunz. Simple really.
i am posting this because i know there are many people that have had experiences that cannot be explained by natural means.
i am a ghost hunter, as a hobby.
my hobby is to disprove ghosts.
when i was a kid in the cult i was terrified of demunz,
when i got to the stage of facing the fact that i simply did not believe in god--it all fell into place. No god--therefore no angels..no devil--no demunz. Simple really.
how many of you would have spent the hours "pioneering" if it weren't for the pats on the back and being looked up to as someone special in the congregation?
i will admit that back in late 1970's i attempted to aux pioneer during a campaign because it was promoted and seemed the right thing to do,but i didn't get the hours and it was stressful trying to...and i didn't feel like a cheerful giver.
i never attempted it again.
i got sucked into the pioneer garbage by taking too much notice of what DO Drage banged on about at a circuit assembly. I was 16..working in a crap full time job--so i quit that and became a vacation pioneer. Got a job 2 days a week cleaning windows with another pioneer--i could earn a weeks wages in 2 days. It was summer time and life was fun. Most pio days were spent in a greek coffee bar playing pin ball with yet another pio, till we hit the streets when folks were home from work and sold magazines for an hour.
By christmas the weather was too cold for window cleaning so i got a full time job and quit pioneering with no regrets. I could have quit the cult completely but i stuck around because all my mates were dubs and i didnt really know any outsiders.
the bible predicts that at some point, the god of the bible will take action.
this is very convincing when reading bible prophecy and history to back up prophecy as represented in the bible.
—exactly when god acts is another subject..
yep--god will solve all the worlds problems--by killing everyone.
i was brought up as a born-in(tm) here in the uk.
it wasn't until i was 50 that the scales fell from my eyes, i woke up, got da'd from the cult and my wife was advised to leave me by the elders whom i had served with on the boe.
one of which i know wanted to schtupf her.
dodgy knees
i am a few months older than King Charles--born in the same year--1948'
I can remember the Queens coronation..or more specifically--the street party held outside our house.
Long live the king.
i am still on my holiday around the uk and currently am in the midlands if anyone is around i’d love to catch up - hope you are all well xx.
half the world we migrate to the UK if they could.
i am still on my holiday around the uk and currently am in the midlands if anyone is around i’d love to catch up - hope you are all well xx.
oi spaeek fluent Berbiggub--i was born and growed up there.
it is a very long time since i was an elder and the elders textbooks have changed multiple times since then.
going back to when i was an elder, to the best of my knowledge the only way a spouse could divorce from his/her partner was porneia, if that person had sexual relations with a man, woman, child, or beast.
but it had to be proven and that's the dubious 2 witness rule.. in fact, if it was not proven and the innocent party divorced and married someone else, then they could be hauled up in front of a judicial committee and be charged with committing adultery and disfellowshipped!
just imagine--a cult justice system based on a silly fairy tale supposedly written 1000s of years ago... and subsequently included in a lash up known as the bible. Just how stoopid can people get ?
this is directed to born-ins.
around age 10 or 12 is when it first hit me.
i started asking questions about how the world worked and i really wanted an honest opinion from my parents.
i wasnt a born in--mom got religion when i was about 9 years old. She took me to some meetings--and out of school assembly, from when i was 11. I hated that. got baptised at 14, next to my dad--to please them both. The only "studying" i did was the big pink paradise book. I thought the whole thing was nonsense. I left school at 15--and would have left home--and the crackpot religion--- if i could. Took a few years but i finally got out.
I realise some folk need a god--and good luck to them--but i dont.